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Violin playing skills

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Playing skill editing
The violin belongs to the singing melody. Therefore, how to sing on the violin full of full, beautiful voice, is the violin playing the most important issue. On the violin playing technology, there are the following basic skills.
Hold the bow
Right hand holding the bow, the thumb tip to be close to the spiral sleeve (bow), the other fingers hold the bow, so that the back into a natural arc. Fingers need soft bends. The bow is located in the index finger, middle finger, ring finger distal (that is, refers to the end), the thumb just opposite the middle finger, little finger fingertips, easy on the bow, so easy to adapt to the needs of forward or backward When moving forward, the next bow when moving back). Between the four fingers, slightly to be close, not separate, otherwise it is clumsy and unsightly.
A good performer can make a variety of sounds on the violin, depending on the speed of the bow, the pressure on the bow, and the contact of the bow chord. Violin bow of the numerous, on its main have the following: ① sub-bow: a bow playing a tone, the sound to pull the clean, clear; ② bow: a bow playing a lot of sound, in many songs will be used , Is one of the most commonly used bow method; ③ bow bow: sound and sound between the open; ④ bow: bow hair to leave the strings. This type of bow is the most basic class, in the mid-20th century, even bow, that is, in a bow in a row quickly playing a lot of sound and sound is broken between the sound, was regarded as stunt, followed by a " Natural bow ", that is, bow hair on the strings, and sounds like or looks like a bow. So people put the violin playing art called "bow art".
Singing and instrumental playing in the pitch, can be consistent with a certain system of pitch, known as the pitch. Some instruments have a pitch requirement when making or tuning. Singing and instrumental playing process, at any time through the singer and player control to solve the pitch. The sound of the acquisition, depends on the keen sense of hearing, excellent instruments, superb skills and appropriate performance environment. The shape of the instrument, the position of the sound hole, the change in tension, and the humidity of the air, including the various parts of the piano, are related to the pitch. Speaking on the stringed instruments, playing for a long time and the temperature rise, all the strings are relaxed, so the stringed instrument is the highlight of how the correction is low. According to the measured temperature, the temperature of the tube is slightly elongated, but at the same time the air pressure is reduced, the sound velocity is increased and the frequency is also increased (according to the measured temperature, the temperature of the wind instrument is increased by 3 points per liter) The outstanding question is how to correct the high side. Singing and stringed instruments, the tone of the wind instrument, when the piano accompaniment, are based on the average law as a criterion; but because the average law of many intervals do not sound strictly concord, so solo, solo, chorus, ensemble, often need to deviate from the average Law and close to pure law or five degrees with the law, be considered to meet the requirements of the pitch.
Sound level
A sound of any of the seven names (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si) or any of the names (C, D, E, F, G, A, B) Different pitch, with the difference between the tone of the tone, the relationship between the sound level for all the music in the relationship between the pitch.
Rubbing strings
Rubbing strings are one of the most expressive techniques of playing violin, erhu, guitar and other string music. In the appropriate place with the appropriate rubbing strings, than the rubbish strings do not have more vivid voice in the voice.
Rubbing is a violin playing a very expressive skill, it can be used to express different styles and characteristics of each tone or each section. The essence of the rubbing is how to find the best action of the hand, with the speed, rubbing the string width to play each paragraph of the unique style and characteristics.
The arm of the arm and the wrist rubbing the string, both have to practice. To be able to show the best music features, to choose the speed and width of rubbing string.
In the wrist before and after rubbing, the fingers of the joints, fingers of the chord point can not be moved with the rhythm of the wrist and shift. In practice wrist rubbing string, you can start from the three fingers. Because with three fingers rubbing action can make the action more relaxed, and then practice two fingers and one finger. And practice four fingers, but also three fingers close to the four fingers to help Roudong. This kind of practice will make the effect of vibration more comfortable. In the wrist rubbing string practice can also be based on the gradual study and familiar with the arm of the rubbing strings and fingers of the rubbing string. The purpose is to better enrich the performance of the performance, to adapt to a variety of efforts and emotional changes in the need.
The bit
The position of the left hand finger on the fingerboard, called the bit. Close to the head of the bit for the low, close to the piano for the high. From one bit to another position, called change. There are many ways to change the position, such as the string for the change, with the finger for the different fingers and overturned and so on. Play for the non-playing need to play the portamento, is the lack of skills training signs. In some cases, the portamento can make the connection between the sound and the sound rich, add a beautiful over. Especially in combination with the use of portamento, is a expressive means of performance.
Hands skill
Violin left hand skills: scale, two tone, for the, rubbing strings, overtone, left hand plucked.
Right hand skills are: even the bow, sub-bow, bow bow, even bow, bow, bow, bow, broken bow, right hand plucked.
Note: When you do not pull the violin, be sure to release the bow. Long-term tightening will shorten the service life.

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