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Violin faction

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Italian school
Corley is the founder of the Italian violin school. He confirms that the violin is a musical instrument. He wrote the sonata, in the Allegro movement to abandon those non-musical effects, and focus on brilliant, vibrant melody shape. His voyage, full of singing, and thus in sharp contrast. His rich singing performance features laid the foundation for the Italian school. A. Vivaldi is the representative of the Italian school's creation of the violin concerto. He is the pioneer of the band for the violin accompaniment. His creation, so that the concerto is sympathetic, and added dramatic. G. Tartini is the 18th century Europe's most famous violinist, is the representative of the Italian school. He wrote 50 variations based on the theme of Corelli's work, so that the art of violin bow art has been greatly developed. He laid the three movements composed of early violin sonata of the song. His masterpiece "Devil's Vibrato" is the peak of the 18th century violin playing art.
In the mid-18th century, the violin bow was not the curvature, but the outward arch, suitable for playing the Baroque composer works, more suitable for playing J.S. Bach's polyphonic violin works. To J. Haydn, WA Mozart, the melody lines of musical works have a greater ups and downs, the volume requirements of a more powerful accent, violin playing skills also will change, resulting in the 1785 French Tuerte The creation of modern violin bow, in the bow with the development and improvement. Known as the father of the modern violin playing G.B. Viotti is Baroque period transition to the classical period reflects the level of development of violin art representatives. He combines the violin's singing phrases and technical phrases, and makes full use of the strings of the E-string. Viotti's "Twenty-Second Violin Concerto" (a minor, 1797) is still appreciated by many composers. Paganini is a new romanticist pioneer in the decline of the Italian school. His "24 song with the song", has been a violin playing skills model. He used the new melody techniques, bold transitions, rich semitones, sharp harmony combinations, the characteristics of the rhythm of the sound, a variety of speed changes, after the romantic composer has a great impact. His futuristic, was hailed as "violin skills encyclopedia." Many of the techniques used in Paganini's playing, such as double overtones, even bow, bow, special tuning, left hand chucking, double tone and complex chords, left hand fingers on the fingerboard Jump, etc., are with his contemporaneous violinists try to explore the secret.
German school
1650 years ago, the German violin playing art is basically the way to take the Italian people. In 1700 or so, the German composer wrote violin works using skills that are more difficult than the Italians, especially in the use of chords, special tuning, and some descriptive performance. The violin has developed into a highly musical instrument. J.S. Bach's six unaccompanied violin sonatas and suite, the players made a very strict requirements. 1756 years. Mozart (W.A. Mozart's father) wrote "violin tutorial" is the German violin development summary. In 1831, the famous German violinist Shi Boer completed his "violin tutorial". F. Da Vide (1810 ~ 1873) was born in 1843 when the Leipzig Conservatory was the head of the violin department. He was a teacher who was good at inspiring and motivating students to go, and under his efforts to make the Leipzig Conservatory Violin Learning Center in the middle of the century. Da Vide has compiled many classical works and contributed to the rich repertoire. famous

Performer J. Joachim's historical merit is to use the extraordinary playing skills to faithfully reproduce the music content of the work. Bach's six unaccompanied sonatas and solo, is due to his playing, was recognized by modern violinists is the peak of violin polyphonic music works. His other historical merit is to cultivate a large number of outstanding students, the early 20th century outstanding violin educator L. Orr is one of them. It is worth mentioning that Joachim's last student, A. Weidenburg, Nazi Germany, persecuted the Jews when he flew to China, lived in Shanghai, and taught violin and chamber music at the National Academy of Music in Shanghai.
Law school
In 1782 Viotti came to France for the first time, under his training and influence, France's P. Bayeux, P. Roeder and R. Kruppa co-founded the French violin school. In 1795 the Paris Conservatory of Music was established, it became a young violinist yearning for the school, especially in Krupp's "forty-two Etudes" recognized as outstanding. After the mid-19th century, the French violin playing school on the world of violin playing art had a great impact. H. Vignyvsky, P. de la Salat, F. Chrysler is the representative of this school. Polish violinist Vignyvsky graduated from the Paris Conservatory of Music. He inherited the French school of playing style, an increase of romantic color. The French violin school emphasizes the gorgeous voice, there are many wrist bow bow movements, which he played even the bow has brought difficulties, and later he finally found through the use of the entire arm of the smooth operation of this smooth bow. In 1862 Vignyvsky took his playing skills to Russia, laying the foundation for the future development of the Russian playing school. Born in Spain, Sarasat is one of the best performers trained by the French Conservatory of Music. His performance is known for its sweet and pure sound. He used a wider range of sound, his pitch, especially in the treble area is very good, brilliant and smooth skills. He wrote "Gypsy song", "Carmen Fantasia" is very creative, technically very difficult. Austrian Chrysler graduated from the Paris Conservatory of Music in 1887, he has a chic style of play, never show off skills, bow and elegant, phrases dealt with very clever, rhythmic vitality. Chrysler inherited and developed the Vennyavsky's kneading skills, so that he received an unparalleled tone changes. His bow and fingertips are very personal.
In the history of violin playing the name of the French than the school, because the two schools not only in the formation of time not far away, but also by the influence of Viotti. The founder of the Belgian Violin School C.-A. D e Brio's teacher is a student of Viotti, who also studied at the Paris Conservatory of Music. He combines the splendid skills of Paganini with the French elegance to modernize the classical French playing school. Bereo is not a direct disciple of the French school, he can break through the traditions and create a new Romantic law school. Brio's student H. Vie Don has a great influence on the Belgian school. His great contribution to the history of the violin is to play the violin in the symphony in the solo position. His "fourth violin concerto" (d minor, about 1850) is a creative work, H. Berliez called it a magnificent symphony with a soloist violin. E. Issa is a student of Vie Don, who is passionate and energetic, majestic and graceful, poetic, and he uses a stronger, Fabi school talented people, far-reaching, its representative in addition to the above mentioned.
Russian and Soviet schools
Orr in St. Petersburg School of Music nearly 50 years of teaching, making him a famous early 20th century violin professor. J. Hewitt, M. Elman, M. Milstein, E. Zimbalister and other world first-class violinists are from his door. Orr, according to the specific circumstances of the students, give full play to their potential capacity. His "my violin playing teaching method," a book, elaborated his teaching ideas and aesthetic views, such as music first, technology second; different times have different music and so on. Orr played a major role in the formation of the Russian violin school. However, as early as Orr before Vie Don and Vignyvsky and other long-term teaching and playing in Russia, it can be said that the Russian school is based on the French school on the basis of natural, historical formation, rather than a person's creation And the tree. Haifiz is a student of the St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music, who has fiery feelings, steel-like control, amazing skills and strong personality. He used the fast rubbing, expression for the portamento, a strong bow play, more rapid music processing, all this is his strong natural personality of the music show.
After the establishment of the Soviet Socialist Union Republic, the Odessa Conservatory of the П.С. Storieski, the Moscow Conservatory of Music А.И. Janpoliski and the К.Г. Mosslas Inherited and developed the cause of Orr, formed the Soviet violin school. In 1933, Stollyarski founded the first genius children's music school in the Soviet Union and became one of the founders of the Soviet school. He advocates a comprehensive technical and artistic training for children from childhood. His life is one of the most outstanding violinists in the world. He combines superb skill and profound understanding of music. He also plays modern music. "The Violin's Pitch Problem", "Violinist's Rhythmic Training", "Violin Playing" is very valuable. His student I. Galamian became a famous teacher in the United States. Polisiji inherited and developed the Orle teaching principles, attention to cultivate students' musical feeling and all-round development. Very pure sound, accurate pitch, superb skills, noble style, the music processing of the meticulous and profound, is the characteristics of this teaching system. His nephew И. □. Yang Bolisi is the author of the introduction to the violin fingering. Yang Kelie Levy, inheriting and developing the teacher 's teaching principles, is good at the students' ability to make a thorough analysis, thus developing the students' playing skills and personality. Chinese famous violin teacher, associate professor of the Central Conservatory of Music Lin Yueji, was a student of Yang Kai Liewei Qi; Lin Yueji students Hu Kun was in the West Beauliei international violin contest award. Need to mention the famous American violinist I. Stern. He has a deep roots with the Russian school, and has been influenced by the Phi school, he is good at picking a long, unique, become a contemporary first-class performer. He has come to China twice to perform, play and lectures, to the Chinese young violinist a lot of lessons.

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