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The history of the violin

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When it comes to the origin of the violin, it is necessary to deal with the artistic view and technical methods of the original designer of the violin. Modern mathematics is a tool of technology, but in the Renaissance mathematics is the enlightenment of art, proportions and sequences are essential elements of aesthetic research and are used by all artists. Master of the violin maker, not just a methodologist, but also a real artist, the overall coordination and consistency of the violin dominate the whole design.
The appearance of the violin can be thought of by a number of curved lines, with arc can draw the outline of the violin sketch, but not all arc. The original designer first uses the compass to draw the arcs associated with each section, and then corrects and flexes the final shape of the arc. Use a pen and a knife to modify the pattern at the time of making, and repair the curve by a sufficient number of arcs. The top of the violin and the bottom of the curve is designed using the classic design of the bridge arch, and some people think that the shape of the basket like to mention. The shape of the arc of the piano is like a vertical line, and the spin is imitated by the beautiful spiral design of the ancient Greek pillars. Of course, removing the use of arcs may also take some other lines.
Compasses and rulers are both ancient geologists and medieval architects and tools for designing instruments. The general instrument designer, try to place the center and the arc at different locations, and draw the outline of the instrument several times. But the master of the instrument designer is carefully thought, only to design both beautiful and meet the performance requirements of the shape, but also careful to take into account the consistency of internal and external, and acoustic harmony, so that the production of the violin not only Beautiful appearance, easy to play, more importantly, with a pleasant and touching sound, loud and full of strength, highly penetrating volume and cadence control wishful quality.
development of
The earliest clear record of the violin was Jamie de Fer published in 1556 in Lyon's "music summary" (Epitome musical). At this time the violin has spread throughout Europe. But on the origin of the violin, the historian has many different claims, there is a saying that originated in the "turtle shell", a young man walking on the beach, suddenly heard a sweet voice, he carefully look, the original is kicked To the empty turtle shell, turtle shell vibration sound. He went home and tried to invent a musical instrument like a shell. The violin's piano hole is still the shape of the turtle shell. There is said to be originated in North Africa, there is said to originate in India, also said that originated in Western Europe and so on.
Upgraded violin
There is such a legend: 5 thousand years ago, Sri Lanka has a monarch named Ruifan that he hollowed out the cylindrical wood made with the Chinese erhu is very similar to the instrument called Rafanastron (Ravanastron), in the long The history of the river, Ruifan Na Site Long with the trade and spread the Quartet, this is the originator of the violin. However, from the historical records, the earliest violin is a living in the northern Italian town of Berecia (Brescia) named Dasao made (Gaspa ro da salo 1542-1609). But in the same period, the city of Cremona (Cremona). Amarti (AndreaAmatil520-1580), also produced with the modern violin more similar violin.
From the 16th century to the 18th century, the Italian violin manufacturing industry with the unprecedented prosperity of the art of music has been rapid development, there has been G. P Marcini, N. Amarti, A. Stradivari and C. Jenneli four outstanding craftsmen. After the 18th century, the world's violin manufacturing industry are modeled on the Italian violin producers of the piano and size to produce the violin.
Over the past century, the structure of the violin has not changed much, in this sense, Italy is the hometown of the violin. And Margaret, Amati, Strady Valley, Guinelli made the violin, now has become a rare treasures, masterpieces masterpieces.
The earliest modern sense of the violin was born in the middle of the sixteenth century, when many of the treasures are preserved in some European museums. The origin of the violin dates back to the Egyptian musical instrument "Lyre" of more than 2,000 years ago. In the fifteenth century, the Italians reformed it and made a bow with a horsetail, known as Violin, the violin. And after years of evolution, the formation and production of the violin was basically fixed down.
The oldest violin is a "Charles IX" (Charles IX), by Andrea Amati in 1560 produced in the northern Italian city of Cremona (Cremoa). And so far the most famous violin, should be Antonio Stradivari (Antonio Stradivari) 1716 produced "Messiah" (Le Messie), also as "Salabue", which is hidden in the British Oxford The Ashmolean Museum.
Modern violin in about 1550 has been familiar to people, by the then popular instruments Lei Baker and arm Tilila played evolved. Usually the violin predecessor Viol, in the structure, tuning, playing skills, etc., the formation of modern violin have no decisive impact. It is widely believed that the northern Milan, Venice, Venice, Brescia and Cremona area is the birthplace of the violin. In the late 16th century, the Italian violin system appeared two well-known violin production schools, one is Amarti father and son as the representative of the Cremona factions; the other school is Salo's Gaspar (1540 ~ 1609) and his student GP Margie as the representative of the Brescia factions. The two violin produced by the two factions have their own expertise, experienced hundreds of years, is still a fine treasures.
1650 ~ 1750, is the golden age of violin production, there have been many famous violin makers, such as N. Amati, J. Steiner, and was considered the most outstanding producer A. Stradivari and G. Guerner and others. Amarti made the violin panel and the back of the larger curvature, good sound quality, used to play chamber music, like a bright soprano. In the late 18th century, GB Viotti praised the Strady Varyne, Viotti's teacher G. Purnani and N. Paganini after loving Guerlili piano, the two master of the master Works have been appreciated by people, and made a great reputation. Stradivari and Guar Neri piano have the sound transmission force needed to play the concerto in the hall.
After the 18th century, the leading position of the violin system was transferred from Italy to France. During this period the style of the violin continues to improve, has achieved greater volume and better sound quality. French filmmaker N. Lvbo (1758 ~ 1824) as a model of Stradivari, the French piano technology and Italian piano technology together. At the same time, the French F. Stewart (1747 ~ 1835) about 1785 on the bow length, weight, shape, installation and other aspects of a major reform. The development of the violin during this period reflects the singing of J. Haydn, W. A. ​​Mozart and L. van Beethoven's works, as well as greater changes in the bow and so on the requirements of the violin performance.
1789 ~ 1799, after the French Revolution, with the decline of the nobility and royal family, music from the court to the people, there has been a public service for the symphony orchestra and concert hall. In order to adapt to changes in the environment, the violin needs to increase the volume. From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, the violin neck was lengthened and tapering backward: the fingerboard became longer; the piano became taller and had larger curvature; the G-string had already been wrapped with silver. The purpose of these changes is to adapt to greater tension. The growth of the strings increases the pressure on the surface of the piano, so the bass beam becomes thicker and thicker, and the strings are bolded to get bigger and stronger sounds. 1820 years ago L. Shi Boer invented the cheek care, so that the left hand from the full commitment to the role of the liberation of the piano. Cheek set, so that the left hand in the change, rubbing strings, according to the strings more freely.
At the end of the eighteenth century, the Academy of Music appeared in Europe, which greatly increased the demand for violin, thus promoting the development of machine piano industry. France's Milk, Germany's Mittenwald is a large number of production violin place. France's J.-B. Weimum is a famous figure in the 19th century piano industry.
Vyom hired some workers, under his guidance to create the violin, and sold under the name of his name. He collected from the rest of the world a lot of lost in the hands of the hands of the piano, put them to the players, collectors in the hands, or the museum.
Baroque German great composer Bach in 1720 for the violin created six unaccompanied works: three sonatas, three ancient suite, is the essence of the violin solo. Today, my friends appreciate: Bach's "Prelude to E major", selected from his third unaccompanied suite, by the 20th century distinguished violinist Itzhak Perlman recorded in 1988. It uses the Guarneri-Gesu violin, made in 1740.
Western violin was introduced into China in the early years of the Republic (about 1920s). At the beginning of the Republic of China, the rise of music education in schools, people interested in foreign music. From the 1920s onwards, the world famous violin master has to perform in China, inspired a lot of young people love music to learn violin, and then in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Fujian and other places to create a music specialist; many high level violinist to China Work, but also cultivate a large number of China's own teachers and performers, such as: Ma Sicong, Liu Tianhua, Xian Xinghai and Li Guoquan and so on. From the beginning of this period, also published and translated a lot of "violin playing law", and composers to create many classic Chinese violin music, as by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Professor He Zhanhao and Chen Gang cooperation "Butterfly Lovers" and Chen Gang made Of the "Miao Ling of the morning" and so on.
Mid-range violin
Mid-range violin
Since the 1980s, a group of young Chinese violinists have won prizes in numerous international competitions, and Hu Kun is the first of them. He was a professor at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Professor Lin Yaoji, and won the fifth prize of the Finnish West Berezius International Violin Competition. Please enjoy his 1999 "Miao Ling's morning", by Chen Gang according to the Miao flute solo arrangement. Hu Kun taught at the British Menuhin School of Music and the Royal Academy of Music, he used a violin produced in 1734.
China in the violin manufacturing, and gradually enjoy the international reputation. Guangzhou Instrument Factory Chen Jinnong system of cotton cotton violin, in 1980 by the United States fourth international violin production competition "sound quality gold medal"; Beijing violin factory Dai Hongxiang made the violin, was held in 1983 in the Federal Republic of Germany Kassel City held Spole International violin production competition "sound quality gold medal".
The emergence of modern violin has been 300 years of history, since the 17th century since the Western music is one of the most important instruments, known as the "instrument queen", its production itself is a very fine art.
Violin sound beautiful, close to the human voice, wide range, strong performance, from its birth that day, has been in the instrument occupies a significant position for the people to love. If the piano is "the king of musical instruments", then the violin is "the queen of the instrument".
For centuries, the famous composers of the world have written a lot of violinist works, and the violinist has injected the soul into the instrument and developed the superb playing art. The violin can be ensemble and can be played separately.
The violin is a four-stringed stringed instrument, the main member of the violin family. The other members of the family are: (viola, cello and bass). The modern violin originated in Italy's Cremona, becoming the largest violin production center between 1600 and 1750. Famous masters are Nicola Amati, Antonio Stradivari, and Giuseppe Guarneri; the instruments they make are now Is priceless. The fifth of the violin is: g, d1, a1, e2, the range of more than three and a half, is all the orchestra essential instruments, but also "after the instrument."

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